Saturday, March 05, 2005

Hi World

Well, this is my first post, so i'm really not sure how to fill the big blank space i've just created.
Well, here goes anyway. I was inspired to do this by my good friend Andy (check out his blog at (andy if you're reading this, that one was free, any more advertising will be at reasonable rates ;-) ). I'm staying with him in New York at the moment, and managing to have more than a few eye-opening experiences. Some posts and photos of my exploits (those which I dare expose to the public) should be coming soon. Andy's blog will give you his take on what i've got up to and the sort of person he thinks I am!

In case you don't yourself don't know who I am, I suppose I should describe myself. I originally did this in the About Myself section but it takes up too much space as i've suddenly turned into an ego-maniac when given the oppurtunity to describe myself to a (probably mostly indifferent) world. Anyway, it's moved to here:

Where to start?

Hmm, well - this is a sample of what other people have said to/about me recently (with any replies I would make in brackets):

-A bit of a nutter (thanks Andy, same to you)

-You should get out more (see below)

-You should go out less (see above)

-When can I read your new book? (soon, honest :-) )

-You look like Spiderman i.e. Tobey Maguire (well, maybe, but it's only because I tend to climb up walls and leave cobwebs on the ceiling)

That's really the best summary I can give, but a few more exact details might not hurt. I'm currently pursuing my dream of being a full-time writer (of speculative fiction), having quit my job in Electronic Engineering. It was a surprising choice for me to make, especially to myself, but there you go.

Hopefully i'm going to be writing some short stories inspired by thoughts i've had, and things i've seen and read while over here, so look out for those too. You can let me know what you think too. I'm very new to this whole writing lark, so any comments would be helpful.

Other than that, I'm a bit of an Aikido nut. For those of you who don't know this is a Japanese martial art. The best description of Aikido i've heard is "like Origami, only with people". It's quite gentle though, teaches you a lot about life apart from the self-defense aspect, and takes about 100 years to get any good at. I've only been going about 8 years so there's a way to go yet.

I wish i could jack in my job, go to new york and build snowmen
Hi Hugh. The world is watching. Write something interesting.
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