Friday, July 29, 2005
no so mass pillow fight
Unfortunately the mass pillow fight last saturday didn't turn out quite so massive after all...
Lots of people were away for the weekend, several more had been scared off by the idea that the police would not take kindly to the idea after all the recent terrorism, and there were lots of last-minute cancellations. It was really a case of bad timing, though poor organisation on my part didn't help.
In the end, only seven people turned up, and we didn't really think it was worth going ahead with that many. Four of us made the best of it and had a picnic and wandered around in parks etc. and actually had a thoroughly good time anyway. Indeed we did in fact have a small (but fairly intense) pillow fight in Piccadilly gardens after all, which served as a practice run. Suffice to say the police didn't mistake us for terrorists :-)
But i'm not going to abandon the idea of having a proper pillow fight later on, and next time i'll hopefully be a bit less madly busy and have time to organise it properly. Nor will I be in two minds about what the police will think (that particular worry suddenly seemed very ridiculous when we did the practice fight). So all in all I think the event will go better for having done this small dress rehersal first. In due course i'll announce the date of the next pillow fight, and I hope more people will be around for it this time...
Lots of people were away for the weekend, several more had been scared off by the idea that the police would not take kindly to the idea after all the recent terrorism, and there were lots of last-minute cancellations. It was really a case of bad timing, though poor organisation on my part didn't help.
In the end, only seven people turned up, and we didn't really think it was worth going ahead with that many. Four of us made the best of it and had a picnic and wandered around in parks etc. and actually had a thoroughly good time anyway. Indeed we did in fact have a small (but fairly intense) pillow fight in Piccadilly gardens after all, which served as a practice run. Suffice to say the police didn't mistake us for terrorists :-)
But i'm not going to abandon the idea of having a proper pillow fight later on, and next time i'll hopefully be a bit less madly busy and have time to organise it properly. Nor will I be in two minds about what the police will think (that particular worry suddenly seemed very ridiculous when we did the practice fight). So all in all I think the event will go better for having done this small dress rehersal first. In due course i'll announce the date of the next pillow fight, and I hope more people will be around for it this time...
Thursday, July 21, 2005
So as you may have gathered, I went to Glade festival last weekend. Despite the fact i've been pretty ill for the last few days having partied a bit too hard, it was well worth it as the whole thing was mind-blowing (in several ways).
No photos can really sum up the experience, mainly because I was having too good a time to take many. Instead i've included a few random amusing shots that I did get when things were quieter, and which give a sample of what it was like.
I'm sure you can extrapolate the rest of what happened over the five days from these few pictures (who knows, you may even get close to the truth, or perhaps imagine something rather better than what really did happen. Either way, hopefully you'll have had fun).

Springy heels girl - apparently these things allow you to run at over 25 mph. I've got to get hold of some

Hmm, are you sure those are udders i'm holding?

I'm not at all sure what's going on - but i'm loving it (I think)!
So as you may have gathered, I went to Glade festival last weekend. Despite the fact i've been pretty ill for the last few days having partied a bit too hard, it was well worth it as the whole thing was mind-blowing (in several ways).
No photos can really sum up the experience, mainly because I was having too good a time to take many. Instead i've included a few random amusing shots that I did get when things were quieter, and which give a sample of what it was like.
I'm sure you can extrapolate the rest of what happened over the five days from these few pictures (who knows, you may even get close to the truth, or perhaps imagine something rather better than what really did happen. Either way, hopefully you'll have had fun).

Springy heels girl - apparently these things allow you to run at over 25 mph. I've got to get hold of some

Hmm, are you sure those are udders i'm holding?

I'm not at all sure what's going on - but i'm loving it (I think)!

broadband has arrived
hi all,
I've finally got my broadband connection up and running so I can now use the internet again, and now I have a dangerous feeling of power as everything is just so quick (8Mb instead of 56k like i'm used to).
It's actually verging on the harmful as i've realised that the thing which once stopped me from surfing randomly off into the uncharted reaches of the internet for hours was actually not my own self-discipline but mere impatience with waiting ages for download times. Now i'm not limited by that, the temptation to spend hours (for example) firing kittens out of cannons is almost impossible to overcome. It dosen't exactly help me get work done (and it's not great for the kittens either!). (By the way though, if you actually want to fire kittens out of cannons then try this link: The Kitten Cannon Game).
It's like that with so many of my supposed virtues, unfortunately. For example, I like to think of myself as an honest person, but in my darker moments I suspect that this is mainly because lying is so much harder work, at least if you want to avoid getting caught out, and requires far more imagination and better memory than telling the truth. I suppose what i'm saying is that sometimes my bad traits are limited more by lack of ability than by moral rectitude.
Hmm, I seem to have moved off the subject slightly. Anyway, the plus side of getting broadband is that it's now no longer a hassle to post photos, so you can expect to see some more being posted up soon. Look out for some tonight.
I've finally got my broadband connection up and running so I can now use the internet again, and now I have a dangerous feeling of power as everything is just so quick (8Mb instead of 56k like i'm used to).
It's actually verging on the harmful as i've realised that the thing which once stopped me from surfing randomly off into the uncharted reaches of the internet for hours was actually not my own self-discipline but mere impatience with waiting ages for download times. Now i'm not limited by that, the temptation to spend hours (for example) firing kittens out of cannons is almost impossible to overcome. It dosen't exactly help me get work done (and it's not great for the kittens either!). (By the way though, if you actually want to fire kittens out of cannons then try this link: The Kitten Cannon Game).
It's like that with so many of my supposed virtues, unfortunately. For example, I like to think of myself as an honest person, but in my darker moments I suspect that this is mainly because lying is so much harder work, at least if you want to avoid getting caught out, and requires far more imagination and better memory than telling the truth. I suppose what i'm saying is that sometimes my bad traits are limited more by lack of ability than by moral rectitude.
Hmm, I seem to have moved off the subject slightly. Anyway, the plus side of getting broadband is that it's now no longer a hassle to post photos, so you can expect to see some more being posted up soon. Look out for some tonight.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
hi, just passing through
Sorry i've been a bit quiet again of late. I've been travelling all over the place in the last few weeks, and i'm in fact off to Glade festival tomorrow morning for a few days.
On my travels last week I took in London, arriving on wednesday to be greeted with the news we'd won the Olympics, and then was about to start celebrating my birthday on thursday when we heard about the bombings. Suffice to say I didn't really think it was appropriate to celebrate after that. Luckily everyone I know escaped unharmed, though several of my friends were understandably shaken by the whole thing. There's not really a lot I can think of to say about it that hasn't already been said by others, so perhaps it's best to leave it at that. My only hope is that the other major issues of the moment e.g. Africa and climate change don't get completely forgotten about in the aftermath of this tragedy.
On a lighter note, i've got loads of photos of the camping trips we've been on recently to Edale. The best of these, plus hopefully some good photos from Glade, will appear on this blog once I get back next week. There's an outside chance that our house broadband connection will be working properly by then - we can but hope.
Also coming up on saturday week is the mass pillow fight, which i've been posting about for a while now. Though i've kept the publicising for this to more-or-less word of mouth, I hope quite a few people will be joining us, though frankly even if its just a handful of us it ought to be pretty good. Whatever the turnout, photos of this will also appear soon.
I managed to get round to sorting out the site feed for this blog the other day (see below). It should work OK but if you find it dosen't then let me know.
Sorry i've been a bit quiet again of late. I've been travelling all over the place in the last few weeks, and i'm in fact off to Glade festival tomorrow morning for a few days.
On my travels last week I took in London, arriving on wednesday to be greeted with the news we'd won the Olympics, and then was about to start celebrating my birthday on thursday when we heard about the bombings. Suffice to say I didn't really think it was appropriate to celebrate after that. Luckily everyone I know escaped unharmed, though several of my friends were understandably shaken by the whole thing. There's not really a lot I can think of to say about it that hasn't already been said by others, so perhaps it's best to leave it at that. My only hope is that the other major issues of the moment e.g. Africa and climate change don't get completely forgotten about in the aftermath of this tragedy.
On a lighter note, i've got loads of photos of the camping trips we've been on recently to Edale. The best of these, plus hopefully some good photos from Glade, will appear on this blog once I get back next week. There's an outside chance that our house broadband connection will be working properly by then - we can but hope.
Also coming up on saturday week is the mass pillow fight, which i've been posting about for a while now. Though i've kept the publicising for this to more-or-less word of mouth, I hope quite a few people will be joining us, though frankly even if its just a handful of us it ought to be pretty good. Whatever the turnout, photos of this will also appear soon.
I managed to get round to sorting out the site feed for this blog the other day (see below). It should work OK but if you find it dosen't then let me know.